Follow your Heart, Conquer your Fears, Live your Dreams Now!
✓Would you like more clarity around your life purpose? ✓Have you struggled to maintain your dreams while also trying to fit in, being whom you truly are & expressing your authentic self? ✓Have you been diagnosed as a High Functioning Person with Special Needs and wondered where to find support that works for you? Look no further!
✓About ME ✓My Name Is Elad “AL” Benattar Pines, I was born & raised in Tel Aviv, Israel, & Moved To The United States at the age of 12. Moving to a new country, needing to not only learn a new language Learning about & how to interact within a brand new cultural society was my the least of my challenges I was bullied for my Stutter, & it was more than challenging to figure out how to fit in While I didn’t speak until the age of 3 I was diagnosed at the age of 18 as being on the higher end of the Special Needs Spectrum I had to learn, through trial & error, the social Life Skills that aren’t taught to us in school ✓Moving out at the age of 19 ✓Getting Married at the age of 24 ✓Becoming Prescription medicine free at the age of 28 ✓At the age of 33, Establishing my Life Coaching for individuals on the higher end of the spectrum, AKA ✓Special Challenged Lives Matter Coaching! ✓Life Coaching for the practical everyday life skills that we need to learn ✓In order to live our life to our fullest human potential, living life on our own terms! ✓An everyday learning experience in the school of life. My Motto
✓Follow Your Heart, but take your brain with you! ✓Conquer your Fears, When you do, nothing can stop you! ✓Live Your Dreams now, Either you dream in your sleep, or you create the life of your dreams!
MY Education, Accreditation, & Certifications ✓I’m certified by ✓The International Coaching Federation (ICF) Associate Certified Coach (ACC) ✓The Center for Credentialing education (CCE) As a Board Certified Coach (BCC)
My Education through ✓The Life Purpose Institute (LPI), ✓Certified Life Coach Institute (CLCI),
✓Robbins-Madanes Training (RMT). ✓125 hours of coaching with 25 different clients
MY Life Coaching, Life Skills, & Life Consultation Process ✓My Life experience, Lesson I have learned, as well as my Life Coaching Education & Experience ✓ Has prepared me to help all Individuals, Especially those on the Higher end of the Special Needs Spectrum. ✓Through Heart Felt Listening and Empathy ✓Asking thought provoking questions? ✓Helping them Gain the Clarity of what it is they Truly Want in their Life ✓Through helping them Create Their Own action Steps ✓Self Accountability Guidelines to keep them Accountable ✓Being there for them through a Constant Life Transformation Process ✓ To allow them to Live the Life of their Dreams, on their own Terms.
My Services I provide
✓Life Coaching
✓Life Consultation
✓Life Skills Coaching ✓Youth Mentoring ✓Inspirational & Motivational Public Speaking
For individuals who may lack ✓Social Life Skills necessary to fully ✓Connect & interact with society through ✓Everyday life interactions.
Follow your Heart, Conquer your Fears, Live your Dreams Now!
➡️Follow your Heart, Conquer your Fears and Live your Dreams Now!
Have you ever been told?
Either by society or by some people who are close to you,
That you “can’t” do something or that you “should be able” to do something?
If so, how did that make you feel?
What kind of emotions, images and colors evoked deep inside of you by those comments?
What, if I told you that not only nothing is impossible, but, impossible is NOTHING?
Yes, you may be skeptical and thinking who am I to tell you all of this.
Well, stop your doubt, because I can personally tell you that I have been there and done that.
➡️My name is Elad (Al) Benattar Pines, and this is my background:
I have been on the higher end of the spectrum. I was often bullied for my stuttering and was told “you cannot even speak correctly. You will not be able to do anything with your life”.
Well, after getting a job, retaining it, moving out of my parents’ home, exploring the world, and finding the love of my life and becoming her husband for life, do you think I am defying the naysayers?
You bet I am!!
You may be asking, “What does any of this have to do with me”?
Maybe the question you should be asking is, “how can I be able to live life with my fullest potential and to live life on my terms?”
➡️This is where I come in.
As Dean Graziosi, New York Times best-selling author famously said in the Business Broker Blueprint, “Turn your Mess into your Message”.
So, what is your message to the world? As Tony Robbins, Life Coach guru once said, “live your life with passion!”
What is your message to the world?
Welcome to the next big thing!
“Special Challenged Lives Matter” (SCLM)
➡️The New social rights movement for individuals with challenges that I have overcame.
These challenges include OCD, ADD, ADHD, Asperger, Autism and Dyslexia.
Everyone has challenges, but individuals on the higher end of the spectrum have more challenges than the “normal” population, and thus, I named my social justice movement “Special Challenged Lives Matter”.
As a social justice advocate, youth mentor, and life skills teacher, I have decided to dedicate my life to being a life coach, as well as, an inspirational and motivational public speaker to help all individuals, especially people like me, who had social and emotional challenges to become the very best version of themselves and to live their lives to the fullest ability possible and to live life on their own terms.
So, what are you waiting for?
You only live once!
➡️What will it be?
The life of your dreams, or a life that passes you by like a dream that never gets fulfilled?
As Friedrich Nietzsche, a great philosopher once famously said, “Do what sets your soul on fire”!
So why wait any longer?
Today will turn into tomorrow then another month and who knows maybe a year, then a lifetime of NO inaction. As we all know, time waits for no one!
➡️Are you ready to grab life by the horns and start living your life to the fullest?
Follow your Heart.
Conquer your Fear.
Live your Dreams Now and make those Dreams into a reality.
It only takes one moment to decide to make a decision that will change the course of your life.
Special Challenged Lives Matter!
How Can I Help You
Individual Coaching
✓ 1 on 1 Life Coaching Services
Specializing in
✓Robbins- Madanes (RMT) Tony Robbins Based Strategic Intervention Life Coaching
✓Life Skills Coaching
✓6 Human Needs
✓Marriage Education
✓Divorce Prevention
Group Coaching
✓1 on 1 Life Coaching Services
Specializing in
✓Robbins- Madanes (RMT) Tony Robbins Based Strategic Intervention Life Coaching
✓Life Skills Coaching
✓6 Human Needs
✓Marriage Education
✓Divorce Prevention
Frequently Asked Questions?
A New Social Justice Movement, to popularize & bring to light the new social rights movement for individuals with challenges such as OCD, ADD, ADHD, Asperger, Autism, Dyslexia, & Neuro-a-typical individuals,etc, AKA. As awareness for such social issues through social justice movements such as All Lives Matter & LGBTQ, A social justice movement is essential for advocating for & fighting for the rights of special needs populations.
Being on the high end of the spectrum myself, My life Experiences Overcoming Such Challanges as OCD, ADD, ADHD, Asperger, Autism, Dyslexia, provides me with direct experience regarding the unique challenges, & the specialized needs of the Special needs Population.
A famous Quote says, “Experience is everything”. So instead of hearing empty life advice from many celebrities, whom many haven’t been there, done that, I have life experiences to share. As Society deems that special needs populations aren’t capable & meant to get a job, keep it, move out, get married, & keep their marriage, I’m not a cliche, but a speak from the heart about my personal life experiences, that I talk the talk as an Inspirational & Motivational Public Speaker, & walk the walk as a life coach, & with my help, you can as well!
Because I have been there, & went through it . The emotional, stuttering Kid on the spectrum with little to social skills whom was bullied for it? That’s me. There’s no life challenge too big or too small for me to work on with my clients, as a coach & human being, I speak & share from my heart, building a heart to connection with my clients, & their world.
Follow Your Heart,But Take your Brain With You.
Conquer Your Fears,If & When you Conquer them, Then anything in life is possible!
Life Your Dreams Now, You can Live your Dreams in your sleep, or you can make your Reality a Never ending Dream!
According to The International Coaching Federation,Life Coaching,” The ICF defines coaching as partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential. “
Life Coaching is not sports coaching, counseling, or consulting.
Rather, the focus is only on you, the client whom answers are found within.
The coach’s responsibility is to take the client through the process of self-discovery and active self-reflection to obtain clarity and sense of direction.
The life coach facilitates the client’s growth process through holding the sacred coaching space and active listening to help the client discover their true and authentic inner self.
A life coach also teaches the client to commit to making necessary life decisions in order to live their own lives according to their own terms to their fullest potential.
My job is also to hold my clients accountable to their choices, much like a Rubik’s Cube, continually rearranging all their life areas and zones of life in order to help them help themselves to create the life of their dreams.